本ウェブサイトに情報を掲載する際は細心の注意を払っておりますが、掲載された情報の誤りや、第三者による情報の改ざん、 データのダウンロード等によって生じた障害に関し、当社は一切の責任を負うものではありません。
- お客様等の住所、氏名、電話番号、年齢、性別、電子メールアドレス等の属性情報及びご提供頂いた 情報、お問い合わせ等の内容
- 「2.個人情報の利用目的」に記載の利用目的
- ナブテスコ株式会社
- 氏名、生年月日及び年齢
- 職種
- 健康保険法又は国民健康保険法による医療保険、国民年金法又は厚生年金保険法による年金及び雇用保険法による雇用保険の加入等の状況
- 中小企業退職金共済法第二条第七項に規定する被共済者に該当する者であるか否かの別
- 安全衛生に関する教育を受けているときは、その内容
- 建設工事に係る知識及び技術又は技能に関する資格
- その他建設業法等により施工体制台帳等に記載が義務付けられる事項
- 当該工事を発注した会社、ナブテスコグループ各社に当該工事を発注した元請会社、ナブテスコグループ各社及びナブテスコグループ各社の工事現場において施工を担当する協力会社
- 建設業法等法令に基づく、施工体制台帳、作業員名簿等の作成・管理 ・工事の施工に関する連絡・情報共有 ・現場の安全管理
- 当該工事(建設業法の適用がないものを除く。)を発注又は受注したナブテスコグループ各社
Although we make our best efforts and take great care when we upload information on this website, we cannot be held responsibility for any damages caused by errors in the information, tampering by a third party, or trouble or failure due to the downloading data.
The information contained in this website may be changed or discontinued without prior notice.
Unless otherwise specified, the use of this website shall be governed by the laws of Japan and any dispute arising from the use of this website shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Tokyo District Court as the court of first instance.
This Privacy Policy has been established based on the recognition that Nabtesco Corporation and its group companies (collectively, the “Nabtesco Group”) have a social responsibility to promote the proper handling of personal information. The Nabtesco Group is committed to ensuring that all officers and employees comply with this Privacy Policy and to exerting all possible efforts to protect personal information.
In the course of handling the personal information of customers, business partners, shareholders, job applicants and all other individuals (collectively, “Customers”), the Nabtesco Group will comply with all laws and governmental regulations concerning the proper handling of personal information and all other applicable rules and guidelines.
The Nabtesco Group will use the personal information received from Customers solely within the scope of permissible use described as follows.
The Nabtesco Group may use pseudonymously processed information for any of the purposes listed below.
The Nabtesco Group may share personal data received from Customers (excluding the specified personal information) for use in accordance with the following conditions.
(1) Shared use within the Nabtesco Group
(2) Shared use of personal information at the Nabtesco Group’s construction sites
The Nabtesco Group will never disclose or provide any of Customers’ personal information without the person’s consent, to any third parties other than the parities included by the Nabtesco Group in the scope of those who may share personal data, the Nabtesco Group’s outsourcing partners and those taking over a business from the Nabtesco Group, except when such disclosure is required under the law or justified on any other grounds.
Specified personal information of Customers will not be provided to any third party, regardless of whether the person’s consent is obtained or not, except when such information is provided to an outsourcing partner of the Nabtesco Group or provided under the Act on the Use of Numbers to Identify a Specific Individual in Administrative Procedures of Japan (the “Number Use Act”) or any other applicable laws and regulations.
The Nabtesco Group will conclude a non-disclosure agreement with the outsourcing partners to whom the Nabtesco Group will disclose Customers’ personal information pursuant to the preceding paragraph and direct and supervise the outsourcing partner to ensure the proper handling and protection of the personal data.
For the transfer of Customers’ personal data outside Japan, the Nabtesco Group will implement necessary measures in line with the relevant laws and regulations.
If Customers desire disclosure, correction, etc. (meaning correction, addition or deletion) or cessation of use, etc. (meaning deletion, cessation of use or cessation of provision to third parties) with regard to their own personal data retained by the Nabtesco Group, they will be required to contact the Human Resources Department of Nabtesco Corporation. After verifying the identity of the person, the Nabtesco Group will take necessary action as soon as reasonably possible. However, the foregoing does not apply when acting as requested by the person may be detrimental to any right of a third party, or when the Nabtesco Group determines that its proper business operations may be significantly disrupted, or when a violation of law may arise.
The Nabtesco Group will appropriately manage data security when handling personal data, thereby preventing illegal access to the data from outside the Nabtesco Group as well as data loss, destruction, falsification, leakage and other incidents. To this end, the Nabtesco Group will implement data security management measures in an appropriate and rational manner. In the event of an incident, the Nabtesco Group will promptly take corrective measures. If you have any questions about the Nabtesco Group’s data security management, please make an inquiry to the contact point described in Section 11 below.
Nabtesco Service Co., Ltd.: https://www.nabtesco-service.co.jp/business/railroad/company-e/
Nabtesco Corporation: https://www.nabtesco.com/en/company/profile.html
Nabtesco Group companies in Japan: For Group companies in Japan, please refer to the names, addresses and representatives of the business operators handling personal information on their respective websites.
Any inquiries or questions regarding personal information of a Customer can be directed to the department that has received the personal information provided by the Customer.
This Privacy Policy may be revised from time to time without notice.
April 1, 2022